Happy World Pulses Day Wishes Quotes Images

200+ Happy World Pulses Day Wishes Quotes Images 2024

Happy World Pulses Day Wishes Quotes Images Have a different pulse on each day of the meal to make each day a healthy one. Warm wishes on World Pulses Day.

Happy World Pulses Day Wishes 2024

No meal is complete without pulses. Have them for better health. Happy World Pulses Day to everyone.

Have them the way you like them. Pulses can be your best friend for life. Warm wishes on World Pulses Day.

Make each and every meal of your day a healthy one by including pulses in it. Warm greetings on World Pulses Day.

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”

Pulses, which are also known as legumes, are the edible seeds of leguminous plants which are cultivated for food. The most common types of consumable pulses are dried beans, lentils and peas.

Pulses are rich in nutritional and protein values and are an important part of a healthy diet.

Happy World Pulses Day Wishes Quotes Images

Pulses, and legumes(lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans, soybeans, and peanuts.) play an equally important role in health maintenance and overall improvement.

Pulses also contribute majorly to achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development.

Pulses play a critical role in marking challenges of poverty, food chain security, degraded health, and climate change.

Pulses and legume crops help in improving the feasibility of agricultural production systems.

Pulses contribute to environmental benefits. The nitrogen-fixing properties of pulses improve soil fertility, which increases the productivity and fertility of the farmland.

Several dishes and cuisines feature pulses like hummus in the Mediterranean (chickpeas), Indian Dal (peas or lentils) or traditional full English breakfast (baked navy beans).

However, harvested green crops like green peas, and green beans do not fall into this category as these are vegetable crops.

No meal is complete without pulses. Have them for better health. Happy World Pulses Day to everyone.

They are low in fat and high in soluble fiber, which helps to control cholesterol levels and blood sugar.

World Pulses Day Wishes Greetings Messages

Health organizations recommend pulses for managing non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and heart conditions, and they have been shown to aid in combatting obesity.

For farmers, pulses play an important role in household food security and economic stability, as they can both be sold and consumed.

The nitrogen-fixing qualities of pulses enhance soil fertility, improving and extending the productivity of farmland.

Additionally, using pulses for intercropping and cover crops promotes farm and soil biodiversity while deterring harmful pests and diseases.

By reducing dependence on synthetic fertilizers, pulses also contribute to mitigating climate change as the production and application of these fertilizers release greenhouse gases and can harm the environment if overused.

Happy World Pulses Day Wishes Quotes Images

“Embrace the pulses of change with an open heart; they carry the seeds of new beginnings.”

Pulses provide economic, social, and environmental opportunities for long-term agrifood systems.

They are high in nutrients, fiber, and protein. Pulses regulate blood sugar, aid cholesterol and fight obesity.

The World Health Organizations(WHO) recommends pulses be taken as it treats non-communicable illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.

Every year, February 10 is celebrated as World Pulse Day. The aim behind the same is to aware people of the importance of pulses as a global staple food.

Pulses play a significant role in attaining a broad, far-reaching, and people-centered set of universal and revolutionary goals.

World Pulses Day Wishes in English

It also raises awareness about the nutritional and environmental aspects of pulses as part of a sustainable food production system. It has also achieved the set of rules declared by the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

“Let your aspirations be the driving pulses that propel you towards your highest potential.”

Awareness campaigns: Non-profit and advocacy organizations utilize the day to promote public awareness of the importance that diversity in seeds as well as the role they are playing in sustainable agriculture and food security.

Seminars and Workshops These workshops, seminars, and seminars are generally scheduled to coincide with World Pulse Day to educate attendees on the advantages of diversity within seeds as well as the importance of protecting the rights of seed farmers and farmers.

I would like to remind you that the word legumes comes from the Latin word legumen, and refers to the fruits or pods, which are harvested not by mowing but by pulling from the plants by hand. This naturally evokes those hands weathered by their contact with the earth and difficult climates, for long hours, which rural workers, particularly women, have carried out and continue to carry out.

The event brought together international audiences for a common goal of creating awareness of the benefits of pulses as well as drive the agenda of increase in consumption. The live event highlighted the role of pulses as the most sustainable crop in the world.

Despite being the world’s largest producer, our per capita availability is low even as per nutritional standards. Hence, it is important that we boost domestic consumption of pulses primarily to fight widespread malnutrition and under-nutrition.”

Research experts on the other hand, emphasised the potential of agriculture innovation and breakthroughs by coming up with a climate change-resilient variety of pulses. Elaborating on the research conducted on these lines, Mr Rajeev Varshney, Research Program Director – Accelerated Crop Improvement underlined the importance of genomic sequencing to boost crop varieties.

“Genomics and breeding innovations are one of the most effective ways of coming up with high-yielding pulse crop varieties. India has come a long way however; improvement of crop is a must. Research should be focussed in the direction of improving qualities such as pest resistance, enhanced productivity, disease resistance, sustainability, environmental stress-resistant and greater nutritional value. It is important to put in research to enhance crop productivity to meet the pulse production targets by 2030,” said Varshney.

World Pulses Day 2024 History

“Genomics and breeding innovations are one of the most effective ways of coming up with high-yielding pulse crop varieties. India has come a long way however; improvement of crop is a must. Research should be focussed in the direction of improving qualities such as pest resistance, enhanced productivity, disease resistance, sustainability, environmental stress-resistant and greater nutritional value. It is important to put in research to enhance crop productivity to meet the pulse production targets by 2030,” said Varshney.

Unfortunately, as the statistics show, there are still many people, including children, who do not have access to the most basic resources and lack healthy and sufficient food. Hunger continues to strike with its deadly scourge in many regions of the world, a situation that has been exacerbated by the health crisis we are experiencing. It is now urgent to cultivate the earth without damaging it, so that we can share its fruits not only among ourselves but also for the generations that will come after us.

In particular, rural women and indigenous women have much to teach us about how effort and sacrifice enable us to build, alongside and not dependent upon others, the fabric that ensures access to food, the equitable distribution of goods, and the possibility for every human being to realise their aspirations.

The ideal approach to commemorate World Pulses Day is to prepare and consume pulses in your favorite dishes. New meals including legumes like lentils and beans should be experimented with.

Happy World Pulses Day Wishes Quotes Images

It’s possible to visit a nearby farm where pulses are grown and witness how the crops are grown. Learn about pulses’ impact on soil biodiversity and fertility from the farmers themselves.

Anyone who appreciates the nutritious value of pulses can participate in the celebration. However, farmers and health groups throughout the world commemorate World Pulses Day primarily as a day dedicated to pulses. Pulses are a staple food in many nations, including India, Nigeria, Ethiopia, China, Turkey, and Niger, thus this is a very significant day for those countries.

As World Pulses Day is still relatively new, you may spread the word about the health benefits of pulses to your friends and family. Vegetables, such as beans, might also be recommended to them.

Pulses, which are rich in nutrients, can help lower blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and prevent obesity. Because pulses are a great source of protein, you may celebrate World Pulses Day by consuming them.

Additionally, pulses’ nitrogen-fixing qualities aid in the improvement of soil quality. Pulses, when grown for intercropping, can help to increase agricultural biodiversity. For this reason, World Pulses Day has been established.

A healthy diet should be a universal right. Therefore, the role of States to make this possible is fundamental, also in encouraging public education policies that promote the incorporation of nutritious foods in accordance with each particular situation, and where pulses should surely be part of these diets with other foods that complement them.

Catchy World Pulses Day Slogans

Let us walk together in hope. Let us imitate the beautiful and good deeds of those rural women who do not give up their mission to feed their children and the children of other families. Let us accord value to the commitment to being part of a common home where there must be room for everyone, without discarding anyone. Let us feed everyone in a healthy way, so that everyone has the same opportunities and we can build an inclusive and just world.

Online events that are on the internet, such as webinars or online discussions are also scheduled for World Pulse Day to bring participants from all over the world together to discuss and analyze questions related to seeds.

Community-based events such as seed fairs, exchanges of seeds, and workshops on saving seeds are held by local communities in order to celebrate the day and promote the variety of seeds.

Social media-based campaigns The use of these campaigns is also employed to increase awareness regarding World Pulse Day and to motivate people to join in various activities and events.

These are just some of the ways in that World Pulse Day is celebrated and the exact timings and events may be different from year to year, and even from nation to country.

Happy World Pulses Day Wishes Quotes Images

“In the grand symphony of life, your actions are the pulses that create a melody of impact.”

“The pulses of courage and determination can transform ordinary individuals into extraordinary achievers.”

For people who cannot access pulses, donations help them gain nutritious food. Pulses a Latin word derived from the words puls or pultis meaning “thick soup.”

The pulses are the smallest, most important legume family members, containing over 2000 different spices. The seeds of legumes that used as food, peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, and faba beans, are from pulse crops. Pulses are edible seeds of leguminous plants, including beans, lupins, peas, and lentils.

Pulsesin various colors, shapes, and sizes as they grown in different varieties in different parts of the world and consumed in various local cuisines.

The First World Pulses Day celebrated on February 10th, 2019. The day’s motto is to bring attention to activities and information connected to the pulse sector worldwide.

Pulses are not only nutritional but also contribute to the development of sustainable food, which eradicates world hunger and poverty, as observed by U.N. projects.

Inspirational Pulses Quotes

Pulses are influential crops in mitigating the global challenges of poverty, food security and nutrition, human health, and soil health.

“Just as pulses provide sustenance, your positive thoughts and actions nourish your soul.”

“In times of doubt, remember that even the tiniest pulse of belief can create remarkable outcomes.”

Testament to their ubiquity, pulses form the base of some of the world’s most popular dishes – from chickpea-based hummus common in the Mediterranean to Indian dal made with peas or lentils.

And, unlike much meat and dairy, pulses are low in fat and rich in soluble fiber, which can lower cholesterol and help control blood sugar. In addition, the amino acid balance of grain legume protein complements that of cereals when eaten together, greatly improving the protein quality of the combined food.

In fact, greater use of pulses as a sustainable, plant-based source of healthy eating is just one part of a burgeoning nutrition revolution that dovetails ongoing research that World Agroforestry (ICRAF) is conducting on ‘food trees,’ which are trees that produce edible fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts as well as edible oils. The portfolio of research ICRAF is putting together on these species is designed to improve nutrition in multiple parts of the world.

These tree portfolios, together with pulses that are traditional components of mixed farming systems, are at the center of a healthy diet that can be expanded to incorporate numerous types of nutritious foods and starchy staples. This, in turn, helps to address vitamin, protein, mineral and energy intake needs for a wider ‘diversified diet’ approach, says Stepha McMullin, a scientist at ICRAF with a particular interest in healthy diets, and a developer of the food tree portfolio approach.

India Pulses and Grains Association (IPGA), the nodal body for India’s pulses trade and industry, successfully hosted virtual celebrations on the 4th World Pulses Day on behalf of India conveying a global message of “Go Green with Pulse Protein”.

The event brought together international audiences for a common goal of creating awareness of the benefits of pulses as well as drive the agenda of increase in consumption. The live event highlighted the role of pulses as the most sustainable crop in the world.

IPGA hosted a live webinar on Thursday, February 10, 2022 from 3 pm IST onwards with eminent speakers like; Shri. Amitabh Kant, CEO, Niti Aayog as the Chief Guest, Dr S K Malhotra – Agriculture Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and Sunil Kumar Singh, Additional Managing Director, NAFED as key note speakers.

Healthy Pulses Quotes

The latest data indicates that the Combined Index of Eight Core Industries has shown an increase of 3.8% in December 2023, compared to the same period of previous year.

The ICI measures the combined and individual production performance of eight core industries, viz. cement, coal, crude oil, electricity, fertilizers, natural gas, refinery products, and steel.

“This broader diversity of food and diets is so important for general good health and well-being,” says McMullin, who is based in Nairobi, Kenya. Diversity of crops is also important from a resilience perspective, which aims to ensure crops are matched with an appropriate environment where they can flourish. Diversity can also mean staggered harvesting seasons, so people have access to food sources throughout the year.

Have them the way you like them. Pulses can be your best friend for life. Warm wishes on World Pulses Day.

Make each and every meal of your day a healthy one by including pulses in it. Warm greetings on World Pulses Day.

“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”

“Healthy eating is a way of life, so it’s important to establish routines that are simple, realistically, and ultimately livable.”

“Sorry, there’s no magic bullet. You gotta eat healthy and live healthy to be healthy and look healthy. End of story.”

A bowl of pulses a day is surely going to keep the doctor away. Wishing a healthy and happy World Pulses Day.

Happy World Pulses Day to you. Never underestimate the power of pulses because they are rich in nutrition.

Pulses truly are the perfect food. Please share in the comments why you love pulses, how you like to enjoy them, fun pulse resources you like, or really anything pulse related. We can all learn from and be inspired by one another!

May your day – and the rest of your year, and life be full of delicious, nutritious, sustainable pulses!

PS Looking for a way to bring a smile to someone’s face? Write them a bean Valentine and share a fun fact about pulses.

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