Happy Shabbat Shalom Wishes Happy Sabbath to you and your family! May this significant day enriches the familial bond and ignites sincere devotion towards God in your hearts!
Happy Shabbat Shalom Wishes
“May your Sabbath bring you peace and recharge your soul with devotedness and energy. Chag Sameach!”
Happy Sabbath, my dear friend! Open your heart so you can wholly accept God’s unconditional love.”
“In the midst of life’s busyness, may the Sabbath provide a sanctuary for reflection, connection, and deep inner calm.”
“May the Sabbath remind you that life’s greatest treasures are often found in the simplicity of moments shared with loved ones.”
Happy Sabbath Day! Find spiritual rest on this day to strengthen your faith in Him who saved us all!
He redeemed us from sin, so let us all devote a day for Him. May your heart be full of love for our Savior this Sabbath! Sabbath Shalom!

Wishing that your mind and soul will be fully open this Sabbath to see God’s blessings and receive His mercy and forgiveness. Have
a holy Sabbath day.
May you have a good time to reflect on the coming Sabbath! Have a holy and happy Sabbath, my friend!
Strengthen your energy and faith in God on Sabbath day by spending it with your family in a restful manner. Happy Sabbath!
May this coming Sabbath guide you to be a better person. Happy Sabbath!
Happy Sabbath! Praise unto the Lord for He has been faithful to us.
Happy Sabbath! May your heart be filled with love and peace on this holy day!
May your heart and mind rest and reflect on this peaceful day. Happy Sabbath!
There is a reason why today is a Sabbath, may your day be filled with God’s blessings. I wish you a happy Sabbath.
Happy Sabbath Greetings
It is my prayer for your day to be filled with love and God’s blessings. Happy Sabbath!
Happy Sabbath to all my friends… May God help us to keep the Sabbath Holy!
“On this day of sacred pause, may you experience the joy of disconnecting from the world and reconnecting with your soul.”
. The Sabbath is a gift from the Lord, a day to treasure. Blessed are those who honor this day!
Sabbath is a day you need to take a break from all your work for it is a blessed and holy day.
A true Sabbath keeper is an example to others.
We entered our reinforced room, and almost simultaneously, the electricity went out, which meant darkness for my wife and me and our three children. With no cell phone reception because of the thickness of the walls, we had no idea what was happening outside.
Half an hour after the siren, I opened the door of the shelter and messages warning us to stay inside started to get through. But these were no mere warnings — the sounds of shooting from all directions told us we were in the middle of something unprecedented.

I closed the door again, and when I opened it for an update, the picture began to get horribly clear: We saw videos of the Hamas gunmen in Sderot, a nearby town, and then from friends sending footage of fighting all around them.
But in between the noise and chaos, there was something even more frightening: an utter, deadly calm. I kept telling the kids that soon we’d hear the sound of our own tanks coming to relieve us — but hour after hour, nothing. The only sound we heard was that of birds tweeting.
But what to say? As always, different Jews have different ways of doing things.
The traditional Yiddish greeting of Ashkenazi Jews is “Gut Shabbos,” which means “Good Sabbath.” This greeting is used in place of both “hello” and “goodbye.” However, when used in parting, it is modified slightly to “Ah gutten Shabbos.” If you cannot remember the Yiddish nuances, just say “Good Shabbos” every time, and you’ll be in very good company.
This greeting is preferred by chassidic and traditional Jews of European descent.
The Hebrew salutation, used by Sephardim of Eastern descent and those who favor modern Hebrew, is “Shabbat shalom,” which means “Sabbath [of] peace.”
(Just to add to the mix, there is also the Aramaic version of “Shabbata tava,” “Good Sabbath,” that appears occasionally in writing. No need to memorize this for when you meet an Aramaic Jew, because there are none.)
On Saturday night, we wish each other “Shavua tov” or “Gut voch,” both of which mean “Good week” in Hebrew and Yiddish respectively.
Happy Sabbath Messages for Friends
If you want to greet someone but are not sure what to say, just let them greet you first and then repeat their greeting back to them. Works every time.
I can’t describe to you the fear of those hours — the terror of a total inability to protect your family. I served in a special-forces unit, but I had no gun. Two years ago, the IDF announced that they were collecting weapons, and I handed my M-16 back. What made it worse was that our mamad, reinforced room, doesn’t lock from the inside — the handle is on the outside.
So, I decided to stand outside the door to protect my family, armed only with a kitchen knife. Then at one stage, I went to my tool shed to get an Allen key to remove the handle so that we could close it from the inside.
Chag Sameach! Sabbath calls for our sincere thoughts so that we can rejoice in God’s presence in our hearts!
Happy Sabbath Day! Find spiritual rest on this day to strengthen your faith in Him who saved us all!
He redeemed us from sin, so let us all devote a day for Him. May your heart be full of love for our Savior this Sabbath! Sabbath Shalom!

Wishing that your mind and soul will be fully open this Sabbath to see God’s blessings and receive His mercy and forgiveness. Have a holy Sabbath day.
May you have a good time to reflect on the coming Sabbath! Have a holy and happy Sabbath, my friend!
Strengthen your energy and faith in God on Sabbath day by spending it with your family in a restful manner. Happy Sabbath!
May this coming Sabbath guide you to be a better person. Happy Sabbath!
How merciful is God to grace us with a day to pause the worldly aspirations and focus on the afterlife! Happy Sabbath!
Sabbath Shalom! Let us remember God’s benevolence when our hearts are at ease!
On Sabbath, God opens Heaven’s gates and shower us with endless blessings! Wishing for this day to be a source of joy and togetherness for your family. Happy Sabbath!
Sabbath is here to soothe your troubled mind and revive your positive energy! Chag Sameach!
Sabbath Shalom to you and your family! It is a day of relaxation, serenity, and divine peace. May you and your family observe it with utmost care and love!
Happy Sabbath Messages for Family
Happy Sabbath! Forget the world today and focus on placing your soul at God’s mercy!
The business of everyday life hinders our connection with Lord, so on this Sabbath, rest your mind and refill it with spiritual energy. Chag Sameach!
Sabbath Shalom! May you and your family enjoy the spiritual rest and feel blessed!
Happy Sabbath to you and your family! May this significant day enriches the familial bond and ignites sincere devotion towards God in your hearts!
May this Sabbath paves the way towards reflection, devotion, and strong faith for us! Happy Sabbath!
Despite that anguish, Rabbi Fellman’s congregation – and others across the world – heeded the words of an Israeli soldier who had urged worshippers “to go sing and dance, go make sure that every person in the world hears us singing this prayer this Shabbat”.
Rabbi Fellman preached on the biblical story of the first murder – that of Abel by his brother Cain – and urged an understanding that all people are siblings, including Jews, Christians and Muslims.

“They are all our brothers and sisters, and when one of us hurts, we all hurt. If we can’t see that we share this earth, that we share God’s love … then we are doomed to live the curse of Cain and Abel again and again.”
For Rabbi Seth Adelson of Congregation Beth Shalom in Pittsburgh, receiving the news about the attack last Saturday morning as he headed to worship brought back traumatic memories of October 27 2018.
That Sabbath morning was shattered by news that a gunman attacked the nearby Tree of Life synagogue and killed 11 people from three congregations meeting there.
Let your spirit rest along with your body so that it can worship God with renewed vigor. Happy Sabbath!
Happy Saturday to my brothers and sisters in Christ! May God accept all your prayers for the week and give you peace and love!”
On Sabbath, God opens Heaven’s gates and showers us with endless blessings! Wishing for this day to be a source of joy and togetherness for your family. Happy Sabbath!”
“Have a quiet Sabbath celebration! Be still, and take pleasure in all things that the Lord has given you. All of His blessings and love.”
advantages to sending happy Sabbath greetings
Sabbath is here to retrieve the burden of our souls and fill us with serenity. Chag Sameach!
Happy Sabbath! May God accept your weeklong deeds and grace you with peace and harmony!
Sabbath is not simply the pause that refreshes. It is the pause that transforms.
“The business of everyday life hinders our connection with Lord, so on this Sabbath, rest your mind and refill it with spiritual energy. Chag Sameach!”
“Happy Sabbath! Forget the world today and focus on placing your soul at God’s mercy!”
“Sabbath Shalom to you and your family! It is a day of relaxation, serenity, and divine peace. May you and your family observe it with utmost care and love!”
“Sabbath is here to soothe your troubled mind and revive your positive energy! Chag Sameach!”

So that we can be in touch with God, the business of everyday living will hinder our relationship with Him. Sabbath, rest your mind and it can be filled with spiritual energy. Chag SameachYou can do it! Sabbath Greetings.
Chag Sameach! Let God restore your energy, wash away the exhaustion of the week and refocus your mind. Wishing you a joyous and blissful Sabbath ahead!
A life built upon Sabbath is contented because in rhythms of rest we discover our time is full of the holiness of God.
Sabbath Shalom. Praise the Lord, who has loved us unconditionally and advised us to rest. To show how he cares about our well-being.
Every day comes with a purpose, and I hope your day will be full of blessings. Happy Sabbath Wishes.
Happy Sabbath. May you rest your heart and reflect on your deeds on this holy day. Happy Sabbath Wishes.
Inspiring Wishes On Happy Sabbath
Laze your body in the Sabbath, so your soul can worship generously. Sabbath Shalom
Friend, if you ever lose your way in life, observe Sabbath with a sincere heart. Sabbath greetings, dear.
On Sabbath, God opens Heaven’s gates and showers us with endless blessings. Wishing for this day to be a source of joy and togetherness for your family. Happy Sabbath, dear.
As we keep or break the Sabbath Day we nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope by which man rises.
Happy Sabbath, dear Boss! I hope this graceful day will carry Heaven’s greetings to you! Happy Sabbath Wishes.
There is a reason why today is a Sabbath, may your day be filled with God’s blessings. I wish you a happy Sabbath.
“On Sabbath, God opens Heaven’s gates and shower us with endless blessings! Wishing for this day to be a source of joy and togetherness for your family. Happy Sabbath!”
“Friend, if you ever lose your way in life, observe Sabbath with a sincere heart! Happy Sabbath!”

Without a Sabbath, no worship; without worship, no religion; and without religion, no permanent freedom.
The Sabbath is the link between the paradise which has passed away and the paradise which is yet to come.
Welcoming a sabbath day should allow us to thank God for every opportunity He has given us to rest.
A holy day like the sabbath means we have the chance to rest and be still in the Lord.
On this sabbath we should take time and rejoice in the Lord and take time to the joy of the Lord be our strength.
Even the burdened soul can find rest when burdens are brought to Jesus feet on each sabbath.
Celebrating Sabbath means getting enough inspiration to get through the new and busy week.
How to say goodbye on Shabbat
We make the Sabbath a delight when we teach the gospel to our children.
“I first found delight in the Sabbath many years ago when, as a busy surgeon, I knew that the Sabbath became a day for personal healing.”
“The gift of the Sabbath must be treasured. Blessed are you who honor this day.”
“On the Sabbath- we are reminded that we are not human doings, but human beings.”
“This Sabbath day has been designated as a day of thanksgiving, a day of gratitude-even a day of prayer.”
“I believe the Sabbath; I keep the Sabbath.”
Slowing down, connecting with family and friends, and being able to give back. It’s a time for gratitude. Here’s wishing you peace and rest on the Sabbath.
Enjoy an inspiring, peaceful, and restful day ahead.
I hope this holiday is wonderful and that you’re surrounded by family! May each day be filled with love, laughter, and warmth.
Enjoy your Sabbath!
Friends, family, and loved ones. It’s a great day to spend with you. Let’s spend it doing what makes us happy. What do you have planned for today?
Thanks for checking in on me this Sabbath! I’m looking forward to a relaxing evening. Wishing you peace and rest.
Beautiful Happy Sabbath Quotes
Sabbath is not simply the pause that refreshes. It is the pause that transforms. “
today’s the Sabbath, and it’s such a wonderful day! I’m wishing you a fabulous Shabbat, and I hope your day is just as blessed.
You’re feeling stressed this weekend? Rest assured: I’ll take care of you.
Honey, it’s the Sabbath! Have a peaceful rest today. Have a nice day!
Happy Sabbath to all of the people we meet on Shabbat!
Wish You a Great Sabbath.
Happy Sabbath, my people! May this Sabbath day be one you will always remember. Sending much love and light to each of you.
The Sabbath provides a wonderful opportunity to strengthen family ties.
The Sabbath is not simply a time to rest, to recuperate. We should look at our work from the outside, not just from within.

Sabbath rest is more than mere abstention from physical work; and, therefore, must include worship and Scripture-reading.
“May the Sabbath’s melody soothe your heart, its silence speak to your thoughts, and its grace infuse your being.”
“As the Sabbath dawns, may your heart be filled with gratitude for the beauty of creation and the gift of life.”
“I first found delight in the Sabbath many years ago when, as a busy surgeon, I knew that the Sabbath became a day for personal healing.”
“The gift of the Sabbath must be treasured. Blessed are you who honor this day.”
“On the Sabbath- we are reminded that we are not human doings, but human beings.”
“This Sabbath day has been designated as a day of thanksgiving, a day of gratitude-even a day of prayer.”
“I believe the Sabbath; I keep the Sabbath.”
Sabbath is not simply the pause that refreshes. It is the pause that transforms. “
“May the blessings of the Sabbath bring healing to your weariness, inspiration to your dreams, and love to your heart.”
“Make Sabbath a peaceful and holy day spent thanking God for His mercy and goodness. Happy holy Sabbath!”
“Happy Sabbath! May you rest your heart and reflect on your deeds on this holy day.”