Crazy Funny Birthday Quotes Happy Birthday to me! My birthday is the most special day of the year so I hope my family and friends throw me a big surprise party!
Crazy Funny Birthday Quotes
I always limit my budget on buying birthday gifts according to what that person gave me as a gift on my birthday. Enjoy your gift of nothing!
Happy birthday to one of the few people whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder.
You know you are getting old when people call at 9 p.m. and ask, “Did I wake you up?”
Happy Birthday to a (Mom/Dad) who is smart, funny and good-looking, from a (daughter/son) who inherited all your best qualities.
I will stop making age jokes on your birthday now. You’ve reached the age where it’s genuinely not funny anymore.

The worst thing about growing old is listening to your children’s advice.
May your birthday cake be moist, and may no one use that word to describe it.
Happy anniversary of the day you escaped mom’s womb!
I’m really glad you were born today. My life would be so boring without you there to watch.
You know you’ve hit middle age when your back is hairier than your head.
It’s your birthday! You’re now a year closer to being that old guy who yells at kids to get off his lawn.
Happy Birthday! I would have bought you a gift, but it’s above my sibling pay grade.
Older? Definitely. Wiser? Definitely debatable. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to me! My birthday is the most special day of the year so I hope my family and friends throw me a big surprise party!
Crazy Funny Birthday wishes
Let me be the first to wish me a Happy Birthday today.
Today is my birthday! My life may not have turned out exactly as I planned, but all in all, I’m one lucky
Today is going to be awesome, for it is my birthday.
Happy Birthday to me! It’s been a long road (don’t ask how long!), but I’m proud of the person I’ve become, and grateful for the life I have. Every day is a blessing, but this day is extra-special.
My birthday is exactly one week from today. That means you still have time to get free shipping on my present!
It’s my birthday! Thanks in advance for all the wonderful things you people are going to do for me today!
“It’s your birthday! You know what that means? One year closer to being that old guy who yells at kids “Get off my lawn!” Everyone loves that guy!”

“You’re older; you’re wiser; you’re sophisticated. Far too sophisticated to be concerned with material things like presents. Happy Birthday!”
“A wise man once said, “Forget about your past, you cannot change it”. I’d like to add: “Forget about your present, I didn’t get you one”. Happy birthday!”
“On your birthday you might be thinking “Oh man I’m getting old”, but don’t worry. Just because you’re old doesn’t mean you won’t still be doing dumb stuff. You’ll just be doing it slower. Happy birthday!”
“You know you’re 40 when your back is hairier than your head. Happy Birthday!”
Happy birthday to the only person I know who can get away with using anti-aging cream and a fake ID at the same time!
Happy birthday to the best sibling. I’m so grateful you came into my life to make me seem normal!
Crazy Funny Birthday Messages
Happy Birthday to someone who is aging like a fine whiskey, but probably tastes more like moonshine.
May your birthday be filled with love, laughter, and all the things that make you happy.
Happy Birthday to someone who is still young enough to believe that dreams really do come true.
May your birthday be filled with all the things that make you smile, except for broccoli, because let’s be real, nobody likes that.
Happy Birthday to someone closer to tasting more like vinegar.
May your birthday be filled with all the things you love, except for bad hair days, because those are the worst.

Happy Birthday to someone who is still young enough to believe that life is one big adventure.
Loving you is a piece of cake. Now, it’s time to eat yours!
Happy Birthday! Thank you for the sacrifice of being the older sibling paving the way, and making me look good!
I just want to say on your special day, thanks for always being older than me.
Happy Birthday! The peanut butter to my jelly, the mac to my cheese, the tuna to my sushi. Without you, life would be bland and boring. Here’s to another year of making memories and laughing until our stomachs hurt.”
Blow me, says your lighted candle! Happy birthday buddy.
Happy Birthday! For your special day I made you a cake. BOOM YOU’RE A CAKE! You’re so very welcome.
Crazy Funny Birthday wishes for Friends
There’s nothing to be worried about getting old. Look at you; you are old and still doing great. Happy Birthday dear oldy.
Another birthday? You’re going to need a bigger cake… or smaller candles!
They say take every birthday with a grain of salt. I say take it with a whole bunch of salt, and bonus points if it accompanies a very large margarita. Make yours a double. Happy birthday!
“You BUTTER have a great birthday! LOAF you heaps and heaps, tons and tons.”
“Dearest sister, This might be CHEESY… but I think you’re GRATE, no matter how you SLICE it. I adore you from my head TOMATOES and have so MUSHROOM in my heart for you. OLIVE you so much! Can’t wait to SQUASH you with a hug!”
OLIVE you so much. There’s no BUTTER sister than you. We love you a little S’MORE everyday. You’re the BERRY best sister and you mean a WAFFLE lot to us. Happy Birthday!”
“I DONUT know what I would do without you. I KNEAD you in my life, now and forever. Happiest of birthdays, sister!”
“You’ll always be my best-TEA.”
. “You are the GIN to my tonic. Thank you for being a good GIN-fluence. You are GIN-credible. It must be GIN-etic!”
Crazy Funny Birthday ideas
Don’t forget to smile uncomfortably when the whole family sings you Happy Birthday!
Tell you what, because it’s your birthday, tonight’s post-bar pizza slices are on me.
Honestly, I feel bad for everyone else who doesn’t get to have you as a best friend. What a lame life!
HBD to the Ilana to my Abbi. The Nick to my Schmidt. The Issa to my Molly. We can argue about who is who later.
Happy International [insert name here] day. I’ve put in my PTO and I’m on watch to ensure everyone observes it properly.
Thank you for always listening attentively when I tell you about my work drama. For your birthday, I’ll refrain from complaining about my coworkers for 24 hours!
Today, a very special person was born. I love him and wish him the best in the world. I will always take care of him and help in any way I can. What? You were also born today?! Happy Birthday! I wish you many successes.

Wish I could be with you on your Birthday! Happy Birthday from way over here!
I’m sorry I only know my friend’s birthdays if they’re on Facebook! Happy Belated Birthday
Like a fine cheese, you are stinky, don’t do well in the sun and just keep getting better with age. Happy Birthday to the Big Cheese!
Happy Birthday! I forgot to buy you a gift, but are you really surprised? Oh well, there’s always next year!
Another year hurtling through space around a fiery sun- Happy Birthday, Earthling!
Happy Birthday from your waaaaaaay younger best friend!
My birthday wish for you is that someone will ask to see your I.D. at the bar tonight- Happy Birthday!
Best Funny Birthday Messages for a Gal
Happy Birthday! I wish you a lot of happiness. If you have noticed, I send only funny birthday wishes to you because that’s what I do to the people who never send me a gift on my birthday. Hahaha, I hope you enjoy this day.
My wish for your birthday is that all your dreams and wishes are fulfilled. Especially that dream of yours of having a lot of money so you can give me a little gift. Hahaha. Have a funny happy birthday, friend.
I was going to buy you a gift, but I decided to donate my money instead to the neediest person I know. In this case, to me, since I need it more than you. Happy Birthday! I wish you the best and that your dreams are fulfilled.
I wish you a very happy birthday friend, even if it is like the tenth time you tell me that you’re only turning 30. Happy 40th Birthday. You can’t fool me, buddy.
Today a brilliant, charming, intelligent, and very talented person was born. What a pity it wasn’t you. I’m thinking of another person. Anyway, I wish you the best of success, hahaha. Happy Birthday.
Here’s what I have to say about your birthday: God help the guardian angels looking out for us tonight!
The Senility Prayer: God grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.
There are plenty of poems about aging that would make great birthday greetings for your spouse or partner.
Happy birthday to Mom and Dad’s second-favorite son. Of course, this message can be personalized to fit the occasion.
The older you get, the better you get—unless you’re a cookie.Sometimes the funniest messages are those that mix a life lesson with an unexpected punchline.
Even if you weren’t my only sister, you would still be my favorite. Probably.Tell your sister you’re “just being honest.”
Happy birthday to my best friend, the one who laughs at my silly jokes and still stands beside me even when I do dumb and stupid things!
I will sing Happy Birthday to you so much you’ll wish you’d never been born … Happy Birthday!
Best Belated Birthday Messages
May you live to be so old that the mere sight of you horrifies young children
Late in the evening, far, far away there is a glow beyond the horizon, and I know deep in my heart … It’s your birthday cake.
Knowing someone as fabulous as me should be the only present you need.
Happy Birthday. Thank you for always being older than me.
May your Facebook wall be filled with birthday wishes from people you’ve never met, haven’t seen in years, or genuinely couldn’t care any less about.
“Happy birthday, old friend! Now you really are an old friend. Not only one I’ve known for a long time – now you are officially ancient.”
“Happy birthday! May your heart today be as full as your Facebook wall will be with birthday messages from people you’ve never spoken to.”
“One minute, you’re young and fun. The next, you have a favorite burner on the stove. I think we both know which you are. Happy birthday!”
“For your birthday, I wanted to give you something that was both funny and charming, but then I remembered you already have me in your life. Happy Birthday!”
“If you feel a bit lonely, forgotten, or just need someone to cheer you up, remember… You can always change your birthday on Facebook! Happy Birthday!”
“Wow, another year under your belt. Just let me know how old we’re telling people you are now?! Happy Birthday!”

Happy birthday to my little brother, who is hardly ever annoying anymore. Maybe it took three decades for your brother to get less annoying, but who’s counting?
Who needs a birthday present when you have a sister like me? You probably didn’t buy anything for your sister anyway, did you?
Happy Birthday! I promise that today I’ll only cry a little because of how much I love you.
How do you glow up more with each passing year? It needs to be studied.
Happy Birthday, old man. So glad you’re still alive and cake-ing!
Today, my friend, you have made me grateful for something…that I’m not the oldest person here!
Friend, on this day of the year, many, many years ago, you were born! I guess that’s something!
Happy Birthday to someone who is getting more valuable and better with age! Oh wait–that’s wine. Happy Birthday to someone who is just getting old!
Friend, I hope that a million birthday wishes come true for you! It will match your age!
Happy birthday to the man who can turn even the most mundane tasks into a comedy sketch. Your humor is a gift to everyone around you!
You’re the yin to my yang, the peanut butter to my jelly, and the funny bone to my body. Happy birthday to my hilarious boyfriend!
Best Famous Funny Birthday Quotes
May your birthday be filled with as much laughter as you bring into my life. I’m so lucky to have a boyfriend who can always make me smile.
Wishing a happy birthday to the one who always knows how to lighten the mood and bring some humor into our lives.
They say laughter is the best medicine, and with you as my boyfriend, I’m always feeling healthy and happy. Happy birthday to my funny guy!
Happy birthday to the man who can make a bad day good, and a good day great! Your sense of humor is truly a gift.
It’s hard to believe that another year has gone by since we celebrated your last birthday with cake and laughter. Happy birthday to my forever funny boyfriend!
You’re the Chandler to my Monica, the Jim to my Pam, and the funny bone to my body. Happy birthday to my favorite sitcom star!
If I tried to count up to your age today, I would go hoarse! Happy Birthday, buddy!
Happy Birthday, friend! You were educated in the old ways! The pyramids wouldn’t have been built without you!
Just remember, once you’re over the hill you begin to pick up speed.Charles Schulz
Eventually you reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.Will Rogers
Today is the oldest you have been, and the youngest you will ever be. Make the most of it!Nicky Gumbel
We must both, I’m afraid, recognise that, as we grow older, we become like old cars – more and more repairs and replacements are
necessary. C. S. Lewis
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.Lucille Ball
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Mark Twain
If anyone calls you old this birthday, don’t worry about it. Just hit him with your cane and throw your dentures at him.
Don’t think of it as aging, think of it as leveling up. Congratulations and here’s to a great year ahead!
The best part of being older is that you did most of your stupid stuff before social media. Cheers to another trip around the sun!
Forget about the past, you can’t change it. Forget about the future, you can’t predict it. Forget about the present, I didn’t get you one.
May your Facebook wall be filled with birthday wishes from people you’ve never met, haven’t seen in years, or genuinely couldn’t care less about.
On your birthday don’t forget to set goals that are sky high and spend the rest of the year miserably trying to build a rocket to get there.
You’re a really hard individual to shop for… so I didn’t get you anything. Happy birthday!