Happy Winter Solstice

200+Happy Winter Solstice Wishes Quotes

Happy Winter Solstice Quotes Ice is most welcome in a cold drink on a hot day. But in the heart of winter, you want a warm hot mug with your favorite soothing brew to keep the chill away.”

Happy Winter Solstice

“Warm wishes on Winter Solstice. May this special astrological phenomenon leave you with warmth of sun rays and happiness in heart.”

“A very Happy Winter Solstice to you my dear. May your life is filled with positive and warm rays of the sun which brighten all your days.”

“Wishing a very Happy Winter Solstice to you. Sending you warm greetings on this special day. May the spring some soon.”

“In the true aspects, winter is the actual spring as it is the moment when the inner things happen and nature’s revival is there”.

On this Winter Solstice, may you find peace and inspiration in the beauty of the natural world.

Happy Winter Solstice

Sending you warm hugs and good wishes on this Winter Solstice, the shortest day but longest night of the year.

May the light of the season guide you through the darkness and lead you to a place of peace and happiness.

Wishing you a joyous Winter Solstice filled with love, laughter, and good cheer.

May the spirit of Winter Solstice bring you hope, renewal, and a sense of wonder for the beauty of life.

The winter solstice, also called the hibernal solstice, occurs when either of Earth’s poles reaches its maximum tilt away from the Sun.

This happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere. Once for Northern Hemisphere (December 21 or 22) and once for Southern Hemisphere (June 20 or 21).

The winter solstice results in the shortest day of the year, meaning it has the longest period of darkness.

Winter solstice is the return of the sun, which is important for marking the beginning of more sunlight on the planet Earth.

Winter Solstice Quotes

On this special day, may you feel the warmth and love of family and friends as we celebrate the magic of Winter Solstice together.

“We should celebrate the soul of Christmas as it is the time for the celebration, rebirth and new possibilities of winter solstice”.

“Do planning in spring, learning in summer, execution in winter and enjoy your success in winter”.

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.Copied!

The winter solstice has always been special to me as a barren darkness that gives birth to a verdant future beyond imagination, a time of pain and withdrawal that produces something joyfully inconceivable, like a monarch butterfly masterfully extracting itself from the confines of its cocoon, bursting forth into unexpected glory.

The Christians stole the winter solstice from the pagans, and capitalism stole it from the Christians.

Welcome, winter. Your late dawns and chilled breath make me lazy, but I love you nonetheless.

Happy Winter Solstice

At the Summer Solstice, all is green and growing, potential coming into being, the miracle of manifestation painted large on the canvas of awareness. At the Winter Solstice, the wind is cold, trees are bare and all lies in stillness beneath blankets of snow.

There is a privacy about it which no other season gives you…. In spring, summer and fall people sort of have an open season on each other; only in the winter, in the country, can you have longer, quiet stretches when you can savor belonging to yourself.

If there is a moment as quiet as keen and memory as bring as light, one can find it only on a winter night. Happy Winter Solistice.

May your path be illuminated with the light on this Winter solstice.

Winter solstice is the time for reflection, a reflection to one’s dark self which we need to abandon and move towards a better future.

When the beauty of the night is unspeakable through words, remember it is the time for the arrival of the winter Solstice.

Happy Winter Solstice, for even the darkest night, ends with brighter sunlight.

During the Neolithic times, the solstice was marked as a special moment of the annual cycle which marks the cultural and traditional aspects of the times.

Happy Winter Solstice Greeting Cards Message

On this day, astronomical events are used to guide activities like the mating of animals, sowing of crops, and maintaining the winter reserves of food.

In the early periods, the winter solstice made people economically dependent on monitoring the season’s progress.

According to Hindu astrology, the Winter Solstice is considered as Tropical Uttarayana. The Sidereal uttarayana begins from Makar Sankranti as the beginning of harvest season where new crops are worshipped and shared.

Winter solstice is the return of the sun, which is important for marking the beginning of more sunlight on the planet Earth. Then the days started getting longer and nights falling shorter.

The ancient Romans have their historical festivals on this day. They believe in the return of Saturn as their god of agriculture.

When the winter grips and the moon gets cold, it is the time for love and celebration as the winter solstice has arrived.

Happy Winter Solstice

Keep reading to learn more about what Winter Solstice and Christmas have in common!

Today we celebrate light and honor the wisdom of the shadows. In connecting with the natural world in a way that honors the sacred immanence in all things, we establish a resonance with the seasons.

Now, near the Winter Solstice, it is good to light candles. All the nice meanings of bringing light to the world can be beautiful. But perhaps we are concentrating on lighting the world because we don’t know how to light up our own lives.

There is something magical about the winter solstice. Even though it is the longest night, even though it is the darkest night; there is always an odd excitement in the air. Everything smells better, feels better, and tastes better. There is space for hope. As Christmas almost is at my door.

That your feet stay warm and so does your heart. Don’t let the world make your heart cold. I hope you never have the occasion to
say “I wish I could stop feeling.” Because of your feelings and your heart are beautiful.

That you know how strong you are. That you have faith in yourself. Stop doubting that you can do the thing. You are strong enough
and you can do it.

Winter Solstice Blessing Messages

That you find your purpose in life and that you go for it with everything that you are. You were put here for a reason.

That you make time to enjoy the little things in life. There are so many things to enjoy. Savor them. Breathe them in.

That you are able to surround yourself with good people, bright souls, that always make you see that you are wanted and loved.

“Wishing you a warm Winter Solstice….. May the light always remind us of the sun that is soon going to return.”

We should celebrate the soul of Christmas as it is the time for the celebration, rebirth, and new possibilities of the winter solstice.

The Winter Solstice is the time of ending and beginning, a powerful time — a time to contemplate your immortality.

Don’t forget to check out these winter quotes to get you through the coldest yet most magical season of the year.

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.

Happy Winter Solstice

“No winter season remains constant as spring also wants its turn”.

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness. You only truly, deeply appreciate and are grateful for something when you compare and contrast it to something worse.”

“Snow was falling, so much like stars filling the dark trees that one could easily imagine its reason for being was nothing more than prettiness.”

“Do planning in spring, learning in summer, execution in autumn and enjoy your success in winter

“A man says a lot of things in summer he doesn’t mean in winter.”

Lighting candles is a symbol of the sun’s ability to give us both life and light.

Waking up early on the day of the winter solstice to watch the sunrise and appreciate how the sun lights up the world around you.

Captions on Hibernal Solstice

Eat warming foods in a traditional winter feast on the night of December 21, producing a meal that warms and nourishes the body.

Or even draw a winter solstice bath, adding citrus essential oils to symbolise the energy of the sun.

People can greet others on winter solstice by saying “Happy Solstice,” “Merry Yuletide,” and “Happy Yule”.

Here are some inspirational messages to get you in the spirit for winter solstice.

“The Winter Solstice is the time of ending and beginning, a powerful time – a time to contemplate your immortality.”

“I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood.”

I remember, in the winter of our first experiments, just seven years ago, looking on snow with new eyes.”

And finally Winter, with its bitin’, whinin’ wind, and all the land will be mantled with snow.” .

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”

“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.”

“I write probably 80 percent of my stuff over the winter because it’s so inspiring.r

Happy Winter Solstice

. “Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius.”

May the longest night of the year usher peace and hope, and the returning light brings joy. Happy Winter Solstice!

Wishing you a beautiful and cozy warm Winter solstice filled with love and light. Happy First Day of Winter!

Happy December solstice! Let the darkness of time be a time of rest and renewal, and let the light bring you strength and growth.

Sending you warm wishes and thoughts this winter solstice. May your heart be filled with love, and may your home be filled with happiness.

Let the Winter Solstice remind you that in the darkest of times, there is always a new dawn. Happy First Day of Winter!

“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”

Happy Winter Solstice Wishes

“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold.”

“Winter is a persisting season as it is the time to collect all the precious moment and enjoy every hour of it”.

The pine stays green in winter… wisdom in hardship.”

. “My old grandmother always used to say, ‘Summer friends will melt away like like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.”

“While I relish our warm months, winter forms our character and brings out our best.”

“People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.”

. “A snow day literally and figuratively falls from the sky, unbidden, and seems like a thing of wonder.

“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, ‘Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.'”

Happy Winter Solstice

“When the cheerful persons are happy they don’t notice whether it is spring or winter”.

“May the brightness and warmth of sun rays enlighten every corner of your heart and home. Happy Winter Solstice to you my dear.”

A gift to our love with a helping dream for the darkest night yet to arrive.

On, this December Solstice, let us all come together to sing joyous songs and forget the sadness.

The winter solstice has always been special to me as a barren darkness that gives birth to a verdant future beyond imagination, a time of pain and withdrawal that produces something joyfully inconceivable, like a monarch butterfly masterfully extracting itself from the confines of its cocoon.”

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.”

“Sometimes, you need to revamp yourself over the winter, participate in things that make you appreciate what you have.”

“Today we celebrate light and honor the wisdom of the shadows. In connecting with the natural world in a way that honors the sacred immanence in all things, we establish a resonance with the seasons.”

“This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year’s threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future; the place of caught breath.”

“Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence. Summer passes and one remembers one’s exuberance. Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence. Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.”

Let us light the candle with the nine pearls of wisdom to overcome the longest night in our life.

With a grand celebration let the Lord shower us with an abundance on this Winter Solstice.

The Best Winter Solstice Quotes and Sayings

With great happiness we must have a sweet soft pause in the turning of the year.

“Snow is one of my favorite things for the same reason that Christmas is. It slows down time while also bringing people together.”

“It is said that the Winter Solstice is a time of endings and beginnings, a powerful period, and a time to think about how immortal you are.”

“Kindness, like snow, makes everything it covers seem more beautiful as it falls.”

Over the winter, it is sometimes necessary to give oneself a makeover and engage in activities that teach you to be grateful for what you already have.”

Today, we appreciate the shadows and celebrate light as we recognize the value of both. We may build a resonance with the seasons if we cultivate a connection with the natural world in such a manner that we appreciate the holy immanence that exists in all things.”

Let us learn to embrace winter because it is the season that gives birth to brilliance.”

A very warm wish to you and your family on Winter Solstice.

“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, ‘Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.'” –Lewis Carroll

Happy Winter Solstice

“Snow can wait, I forgot my mittens.”

“Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.”

“Even the strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake.”

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire. It is the time for home.”

“Wishing you a warm Winter Solstice….. May the light always remind us of the sun that is soon going to return.”

“Sending you and your loved ones a very beautiful and blessed Winter Solstice with warm rays of sun which will soon bring the season of spring.”

“Wishing you a wonderful and cheerful Winter Solstice…. May the goodness of sunrays brighten each and every day of your life.”

“Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter. Who would think that those branches would turn green again and blossom, but we hope it, we know it.”

“These northern-tier countries are populated by a bunch of generally happy people who not only tolerate winter but have come up with strategies for embracing it.”

“When I was young, I loved summer and hated winter. When I got older I loved winter and hated summer. Now that I’m even older, and wiser, I hate both summer and winter.”

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