Love Propose Messages

200+ Love Propose Messages

Love Propose Messages marriage proposal is an event where one person in a relationship asks for the other’s hand in marriage.[1] If accepted, it marks the initiation of engagement, a mutual promise of later marriage. It often has a ritual quality. Marriage proposals themselves are the sweetest things. There are many possible ways of asking your beloved to spend their life with you. But however you propose to them, your words of love are what matters the most.

Love Propose Messages

I Love You for not what you are but what I become when I am there with you. So, be with me forever.

My feelings for you have only grown stronger since the day we first met. I want to seal our bond forever today. Happy Propose Day!

All I wanted was someone to care for me; All I wanted was someone who would be there for me; All I ever wanted was someone who would be true; and all I ever wanted was someone like YOU

If I reached for your hand, will you hold it? If I hold out my arms, will you hug me? If I go for your lips, will u kiss me? If I capture your heart, will u love me?

The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.

Through your love, a whole new world has opened before my eyes. And, I wish to step into this newness with your presence in my life. Happy Propose Day.

Accept me or reject me, but I will keep loving you all my life. Happy Propose Day, dear. I love you! Do you?

Love Propose Messages

Do you know why I wish you propose day even now? Because this reminds me of the time when you nodded in ‘Yes’.

From ups and downs to twists and turns, from Chinese and Italian to restaurants and street foods, Grow old with me baby?

Expressing my love for you is difficult but trust me you are the only one I need in my life. Would you be mine forever?

You have given a new meaning to my life sweetheart. Today I propose to you to be mine always. Happy Propose Day!

“I love the feeling and the butterflies I get when I see you smiling. I would love to smile for the rest of my life too. So, I say it’s a yes?”

“You are the one I wanted to find, to tell that I need you all my life, from this day on till the rest of my life.”

“Only you, you’re the only thing I’ll see forever. In my eyes, in my words, and in everything I do, your sight is the only sight that will ever bring me peace!”

“Because every long lost road, led me to where you are; others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars, guiding me on my way, into your loving arms, this much I know is true. God bless the broken road that led me straight to you.” – Bless The Broken Road by Rascal Flatts

“I love you just the way you are.” – Just The Way You Are by Billy Joel

“Having you by my side is what completes me, makes me and fulfils me. You complete me. So marry me and complete the circle with me!”

“I want to be with you forever and ever. We are meant to be together.”

“I love you. I never wish to be parted from you, from this day on. Be mine through the thick and thin of life.”

Cute proposal Lines

Every moment without you seems like ages. May we never part sweetheart. Happy Propose Day!

Today I profess my love for you from the bottom of my heart. Always be mine. Happy Propose Day, sweetheart

A lifetime of love and kindness awaits us. I wish to walk this path with you. Happy Propose Day.

On this Propose Day, here’s my gift for you: a lifetime of love and joy, if we can walk together.

Love Propose Messages

My heart has left its dwelling place and can return no more. Be with me forever.

Truth is if I could be with anyone, I would still choose you. Please be mine till eternity!

I think about you all the time, Will you be mine forever?

Did you know they changed the alphabet? They put u and me together. Happy propose day!!

No poems no fancy words I just want the world to know that I LOVE YOU My Princess with all my heart. Happy Propose Day.

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Love Propose Messages For Boy

My Eyes are eager to see you, my ears are eager to listen u, and my dreams in night are eager to welcome you. Happy Propose Day!!

I love you for what you are and what you do to me. Be mine!

I still can’t believe what you did to me. You made me fall madly in love with you!

If I could turn back time, I would confess my love for you sooner than later.

On this special day, I want to say: Grow old along with me; the best is yet to be. Will you spend the rest of your life with me?

Here’s a promise of a lifetime: I’ll continue to love you through your best and worst days, through your highs and lows and through all the fun and gloom. Happy Propose Day.

Your love has made me better person appreciating the life God has given me. Happy Propose day, sweetheart!

Love Propose Messages

Guess what today is? Today is the day I confess my love for you! I love you babe!

I’ve kept this bottled up for a long time and it’s only now I’ve gathered some guts to say this to you. I love you.

I gotta hand it to you. You single-handedly made me fall in love with you.

Beyond people randomly commenting on how good we look together, I am confident that we will make each other happy and fulfilled. Will you be my husband?

Sincerely, I can’t thank you enough for still believing in me even when the chips were down for me. Now I am back to my feet, I won’t hesitate to ask you this; will you be my wife?

Back then when I was younger and freer, love was a fleeting concept that made little sense. But all that is in the past because I have become a grown woman nurtured in your practical love for me. I will be happy to spend my forever with you.

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Love Propose Messages For Girl

If my mind can develop a picture for every time I think about you, your entire community and mine will be flooded with your pictures. That’s how much I am addicted to you, baby. Please, make me a happy man by being my girlfriend.

I must tell you this now, or else I will explode inside. I love you. There, I said it.

“I love you so, so much. I want to make you happy, for me to even have a shot at being happy. Will you marry me?” – He’s Just Not That Into You

“It seems right now that all I’ve ever done in my life is making my way here to you.” – The Bridges of Madison County
“You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love. I love…I

love you. And I never wish to be parted from you, from this day on.” – Pride & Prejudice.

Love Propose Messages

“Make of our hands, one hand. Make of our hearts, one heart. Make of our vows, one last vow. Only death will part us now.” – Natalie Wood.

You are always on my mind, that I can admit. While I’m at it, dare I say I love you?

Words may not express my love for you but my actions have spoken to you. On Propose Day, I hope you accept me as a companion for the days to come.

My love for you remains intact today, tomorrow and forever. Happy Propose Day.

All I dream of is holding your hand and never leaving it again. Would you be my girlfriend?

You are everything that I had been looking for, and I never want to let you go. Will you be my boyfriend?

Every bit of my heart is in love with you, and I can’t imagine my life without you. Would you grow old with me?

You are the only one who understands me even more than myself. You are the only one with whom I can share everything, even my personal secrets. I want you to be with me always. I love you.

All say love makes you special, but for me, it is you. All say light can drive out the dark, but for me, it is your smile, all say God gives us life, but in my case, it is your love. I want to be with you forever.

Feelings are always the same, saying it could be in different ways, some say it directly are called “lovers”. Some write on paper called “poet”

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Propose Lines For Crush

My feelings for you have only grown stronger since the day we first met. Will you walk by my side forever?

You are my answered prayer, my fulfilled wish and my realised dream. Happy Propose Day!

I knew you are my soulmate from the day I first met you. Thanks for coming into my life and making it beautiful. Happy Propose Day!

On this special day, would you promise to be with me today and forever? Happy Propose Day!
Today I to say that I want to grow old with you. Will you spend the rest of your life with me? Happy Propose Day!

You are my strength. You are my rock. You are the one who keeps life exciting. You also keep it full and inviting. Will you take my last name on propose day?

Love Propose Messages

In you I have found the one I was looking for my heart now longs to propose you my love. This proposal Day, I want to say will you be mine?

The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, Not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.

If Roses were Black and violets were brown, my love for you would never be found but roses r red and violets are blue, all I want to say is I LUV U!

All I wanted was sum1 2 care 4 me All I wanted was sum1 who would b there 4 me All I ever wanted was sum1 who would b true All I ever wanted was sum1 like You…

Wouldn’t it be the perfect crime if I stole your heart and you stole mine?

The best place for me is in your Heart I know there is no better place for me so can you be the love of my life?

. “God created everything to perfection, but I suspect that when God created you, he was showing off. I’d be honored to show you off too by making you mine.”

Best Proposal Messages

“With this ring, I give you my heart. I promise that from this point forward, you’ll never have to walk alone. May my heart be your shelter and arms be your home.”

“It sounds cliche but I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. Not the love that people talk about. But an unexplained attraction, a feeling of home, an urge that I need to talk to this girl and make her mine. All I know is what we’ve shared since the moment we met is special and meant to be preserved. Forever. So, honey, will you marry me?”

“Our marriage will be much brighter than this diamond ring if you will accept it.”

“Last night I thought about you and sent an angel to watch over you. To my surprise, angels came back shortly after, smiled back, and told me that angels don’t watch their colleagues. Would you watch over me, please?”

“In you, my life becomes whole, with you my days become bright. In your hands I would love to lay, this night and for the rest of my life!”

Love Propose Messages

“You deserve the world and all the good things it has to offer. If I fail to find that world for you, I promise to give you mine!”

“Are you Google search engine? Because you’ve got everything I’ve been searching for in life.”

“You are my North, my South, my East and West, the sun of my morning and the night to my day!”

“I would love for you to grow old with me! The best is yet to be and it begins from the moment you say yes!”

What greater feeling is there than that of two human souls that feel they are joined…What better day than today to seal their bond.

“Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Franklin P. Jones
“For you see, each day I love you more – today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.” -Rosamunde Gerard

“I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you, not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me.” – Roy Croft

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Heart Touching Love Proposal Messages

“The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” – Maulana Jamaluddin Rumi

All my happiness should be yours, all your misery can be mine. Let the world be yours, only you are mine! I can not imagine growing age with anyone else, nor do I want to.

All say love makes you special, but for me, it is you. All say light can drive out the dark, but for me, it is your smile, all say God gives us life, but in my case, it is your love. I want to be with you forever.

Although I can’t afford to give you the whole world, you truly deserve it, babe. I hope you will try to understand when I give you the best that I can afford. Welcome to my world darling!

Am glad that we met when we are still young and ambitious. Honestly, I hope that you will grow old along with me. Honey, I promise you that the best is yet to be.

Love Propose Messages

Are you Google search engine? Because you’ve got everything I’ve been searching for in life.

Aren’t you just tired of running around my mind all the time?
As a child wants the reassurance of its mother to take larger steps with its little feet, so do I need the constant presence of your love to conquer the world for us. I won’t ask for more than your love. Please, be mine.

“The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it. You and you alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men it is said have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough.” – George Moore

I promise I will be with you in every condition and I will support in difficulties of your life. You make my life wonderful and worth living. I love you for this.

If I could give you any gift, I’d give you love and laughter, a peaceful heart, a special dream, and euphoria forever after. Let me please!

All I wanted was for someone to care for me. Therefore, All I wanted was someone who might be there for me. All I wanted was someone like you. Will you be mine?

No distance can weaken our bond. Nothing can erase our memories from our minds. Our hearts will.

At the point when I investigate my heart, I see just you. If you can investigate your heart and just see me, then we should spend the rest of our lives together.

You’re in my thoughts all day long. On this day, I propose you and invite you to live in my heart all my life.

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